Eating Disorders

"You cannot live when you are untouchable. Life is vulnerability." - Edouard Boubat

It's not usually so simple as just eating more or eating less. There is almost always an underlying emotional component to how food and exercise are used to manage one's life. For the last several years, I have seen people who are struggling with disordered eating, body image, Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder. I have treated clients in the inpatient, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient, and outpatient levels of care. I approach treatment with care, realizing that giving up control of one's food habits can be excruciating, and yet liberating. For those seeking eating disorder care, I collaborate with dietitians and physicians when necessary in order to ensure your safety and medical stability. I may recommend that you sign a release of information form for the purposes of coordination of care. Keep in mind that I may suggest a higher level of care if it becomes apparent that you would be better served by a more intensive treatment program; I can work to help you get connected to an eating disorder program. However, there are many who can benefit greatly from simply working at the outpatient level. 
